Pet Marvel App Privacy Policy
Updated on: 25 April, 2024
Effective on: 25 April, 2024

1. Special Note
【Shanghai Niaoyuhuaxiang Pet Co., Ltd.】(with its registered address at:【Room 125, 14/F, Building 2, 588 Zixing Road, Minhang District, Shanghai】) and its affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “we” or “us”) are the operators of【Pet Marvel App】. We attach great importance to the protection of Personal Information and privacy of the user (hereinafter referred to as “you”). Specifically, we will collect, use, store, and share your relevant Personal Information when you register, log in, and use【Pet Marvel App】. For the purpose of presenting how we process your Personal Information, we hereby prepare the Pet Marvel App Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”), and we undertake to process your Personal Information in strict compliance with this Privacy Policy.
Before you use Pet Marvel App, please read the Privacy Policy carefully to understand all provisions hereof fully. You may make the choice you deem as appropriate in line with the guidance of the Privacy Policy. Furthermore, we endeavor to explain the capitalized terms referred to herein in a concise manner and provide the links to further description for your better understanding. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Privacy Policy will familiarize you with the following:
1.1. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
1.2. How We Use COOKIES or Other Similar Technologies
1.3. How We Share, Transfer, and Disclose to the Public Your Personal Information
1.4. How We Protect Your Personal Information
1.5. How You Manage Your Personal Information
1.6. How We Process the Personal Information of Minors
1.7. How the Privacy Policy is Updated
1.8. How to Contact Us

2. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
2.1. Personal Information means all kinds of information about an identified or identifiable natural person as recorded in electronic or other forms, excluding those processed anonymously. Sensitive Personal Information refers to the Personal Information that is likely to lead to infringement upon the human dignity or jeopardizing of the personal or property safety of a natural person once disclosed or illegally used, including biometrics, religious belief, specific identity, medical health, financial account, whereabouts and other information, as well as the Personal Information of the minors under the age of fourteen years.
2.2. We will collect and use the Personal Information provided by you in the course of or generated as a result of your use of Pet Marvel App and obtain your relevant Personal Information from third parties for the following purposes described in the Privacy Policy in compliance with the principles of legitimacy, legality, and necessity. If we intend to use your Personal Information for purposes other than those described herein, or use the information for purposes other than those for which such information was collected, we will inform you in a reasonable manner, and procure your consent again before using it. When you cancel your account, we will cease use of and delete the above-mentioned information.
2.3. Circumstances Under Which You Must Authorize Us to Collect and Use Your Personal Information
2.3.1. Our Pet Marvel App includes several core functions, and we may collect, store, and use the following information about you before implementing these functions. If you do not provide the relevant information, you will not be able to enjoy our goods or services. These functions include: Registration, Login, and Verification of Account
When you register for a Pet Marvel App account, at least you will need to provide us with the account name and password you prepare to use, your own mobile phone number and e-mail address. We will verify whether your identity information is valid by sending a SMS verification code or an email. Interaction
When you interact with our products, at least you will need to provide us with the Device Information, such as device name and ID, online or offline state, activation time, Mac address, Wi-Fi firmware version, WIFI’s SSID, RSSI value and BSSID, Wi-Fi password, IP address, MCU firmware version, upgrade, and device operation status data, for tracking the device working status. In addition, you shall at least provide us with usage data, system and unusual log information in connection with access, click, download, sending or receiving messages and other uses of our website and services. Pet Information
We will collect the information of your pet, such as its name, profile picture, breed, gender, date of birth and the fact whether it is neutered, to get to know your pet, optimize and improve our products, and bring you better products and services. Location Information
When you add a device, the mobile phone system will use the unprecise geographical positioning function of your mobile phone at the same time when searching by using Bluetooth. Smart Device Related Information and Report
When you use a smart device connected with our products or services, we may collect the Device Information, such as device name and ID, online or offline state, activation time, Mac address, IP address, Wi-Fi firmware version, MCU firmware version, upgrade, and device operation status data, for tracking the device working status. Besides, we may collect the information reported by your smart device depending on which smart device you choose to connect with our products or services, for example, the information reported by a smart feeder. Customer Service
If you contact our customer service, we may need your necessary Personal Information for identity verification to ensure the security of your account. In order to provide services based on your request, our customer service staff need to enquire or check your relevant information to the extent authorized by you upon your authorization. Besides, we will adopt technical and management measures as far as possible to safeguard the security of your information and will use such information to the extent necessary. What’s more, we may keep your contact details (i.e., mobile phone number, WeChat number, QQ number or other contact details used or provided by you), records and contents of communications between you and us, and other necessary information to provide and record the customer services for you. Security Safeguards
We may collect, use, and integrate the information of your account and devices to judge your account risks comprehensively, conduct identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents, and adopt necessary recording, audit, analysis, and disposal measures in accordance with law. The purposes of doing these are to enhance the security of your use of our products and services, protect the body and property safety of you or other users from damage, better prevent security risks such as phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, and computer viruses, and identify violations of laws or regulations more accurately.
2.4. Circumstances Under Which You May Choose to Provide Your Personal Information at Your Discretion
2.4.1. Your information may be collected and used by our following expanded functions to make it more convenient or funny for you to use Pet Marvel App, enhancing your user experience. If you don’t provide such Personal Information, you will still be able to use the core functions of Pet Marvel App, provided, however, that you may not be able to use the expanded functions we provide or you need to complete some information repeatedly. These expanded functions include: Expanded Functions Based on Pictures or Videos Uploading
You may upload your photos or videos on Pet Marvel App to implement the functions such as user profile picture, pet profile picture, and question feedback. We will use the pictures or videos you upload for photo or video purpose. Procuring your consent, we may access your photo album from which to extract the picture you designate as the profile picture of your account. Additional Account Information
After you complete your account registration, you may continue to enter your information in the basic information section, including your date of birth and gender, failing which your using technical services will not be affected. Account Password Change
Please enter your new account password to complete the resetting when there is a need to change the old one, and please enter your new mobile phone number and SMS verification code when you need to change the old one. You can bind your e-mail on the settings page voluntarily, and meanwhile you need to provide your e-mail box account and the SMS verification code we send you to perform verification. Access to Third-party Applications
When you use accessed third-party applications in Pet Marvel App, we may obtain your necessary Personal Information, such as Device Information and operation log information, from the developers of those applications and their technical service providers for providing docking technical support and other purposes. Further, we will procure authorization from you separately if your Sensitive Personal Information is involved in doing so. If you refuse our collection of relevant Personal Information, all or part of functions of those third-party applications may not be able to be implemented, provided, however, that your use of other functions of Pet Marvel App will not be affected. It is possible that the developers of such third-party applications and their technical service providers may collect and use your Personal Information directly in accordance with the privacy policies they provide, provided, however, that we will not obtain such Personal Information. In addition, you are suggested to read and confirm such privacy policies before accepting relevant services and providing relevant Personal Information. Pet Information
We will collect the information of your pet, such as its name, profile picture, breed, gender, date of birth and the fact whether it is neutered, to get to know your pet, optimize and improve our products, and bring you better products and services.
2.5. You are fully aware that we may collect and use your Personal Information without your Authorization under one or more of the following circumstances:
2.5.1. In relation to national security, national defense security.
2.5.2. In relation to public security, public health, and material public interests.
2.5.3. In relation to investigation, prosecution, adjudication and decision enforcement of crimes.
2.5.4. For the purpose of protecting material legitimate rights and interests such as the life and property of Personal Information subjects or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain their consent.
2.5.5. Where the Personal Information collected is disclosed to the public by the Personal Information subjects or their guardians.
2.5.6. Where your Personal Information is collected from the legitimately disclosed information, such as from legitimate news reporting, government information disclosure, and other channels.
2.5.7. Where it is necessary to enter into a contract as required by you.
2.5.8. Where it is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of products and/or services provided, such as finding and dealing with the failure of products and/or services.
2.5.9. Where it is necessary for legitimate news reporting.
2.5.10. When it is necessary for an academic research institution to carry out statistical or academic research based on public interests, and the results of academic research or description are provided externally, the Personal Information contained in those results is de-identified.
2.5.11. If other circumstances under laws and regulations occur.
2.6. Circumstances Under Which We Obtain Your Personal Information from Third Parties
2.6.1. We may obtain the Personal Information from a third party that you have authorized to share such information. In addition, we will use such Personal Information subject to compliance with relevant laws and regulations after we confirm the legality of sources of such Personal Information as agreed with the third party.

  1. 3. How We Share, Transfer, or Disclose to the Public Your Personal Information

3.1. Entrusted Processing
3.1.1. If we entrust a third party to process your Personal Information, we will agree with the trustee on the purposes, term and methods of entrusted processing, types of Personal Information, protection measures, and the rights and obligations of the principal and the trustee, and will supervise the Personal Information processing activities of the trustee.
3.2. Sharing
3.2.1. We will share your Personal Information subject to compliance with the principles of “legality, legitimacy, collecting the least information required, and having clear objectives”. Meanwhile, we will carry out prior impact assessment on Personal Information protection with regard to sharing activities of Personal Information, and take effective technical protection measures for the output form, flow, and use thereof. As regards the cooperation agreement, the obligations and responsibilities regarding information protection of partners are strictly required, and the protection agreement on data security will be executed prior to cooperating with business partners. Furthermore, we have prepared the Sharing List of the Third Party to introduce clearly and concisely our major sharing of your Personal Information.
3.2.2. We will not share your Personal Information with any third party other than us except for one or more of the following circumstances:
(1) If your prior explicit consent or authorization is obtained.
(2) If your Personal Information is shared externally as required by applicable laws, regulations, and legal proceedings, and in accordance with compulsory administrative or judicial requirements.
(3) Only by sharing your Personal Information can we implement the core functions of our products and services or provide the service you need.
(4) We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates for purposes such as showing you content that may be of interest to you and protecting the security of your account and transactions based on relevant products or services we provide to you. We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates in accordance with the Privacy Policy provided that we will only share those necessary and will be subject to the purposes stated herein. In addition, our affiliates will seek your Authorization if they intend to change the purpose of processing the Personal Information.
(5) We may share your Information Content with our partners and other third parties to ensure that the services provided to you will be completed smoothly. Nevertheless, we will only share your Personal Information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes and only share those necessary to provide services. Additionally, our partners are not entitled to use the shared Personal Information for any other purpose.
(6) If provided based on academic research.
(7) If provided in accordance with the single service agreement or other legal documents executed with you.
3.3. Transfer
3.3.1. Transfer means the course of shifting the control over Personal Information to another company, organization, or individual.
3.3.2. We will not transfer your Personal Information to any third party other than us, except for one or more of the following circumstances:
(1) If your prior explicit consent or authorization is obtained.
(2) As our business continues to grow, your information may be transferred as a part of merger, acquisition, or insolvent liquidation when such circumstance occurs to us. If the transfer of Personal Information is involved in such case, we will require the company, organization or individual holding your Personal Information to continue to comply with the Privacy Policy, or we will require such company, organization or individual to seek Authorization from you again.
3.4. Public Disclosure
3.4.1. We will not disclose your Personal Information to any third party other than us, except for one or more of the following circumstances:
(1) We may disclose to the public your Personal Information in accordance with laws or regulations, as needed by proceedings or dispute resolution, or according to the requirements imposed by administrative or judicial organs lawfully.
(2) Where we disclose the information specified by you in the manner of disclosure explicitly agreed to by you based on your needs.
3.5. To facilitate our operations, we may transfer, store, and process your Personal Information in jurisdictions other than where you reside. These countries may have different data protection laws.
4. How We Protect Your Personal Information
4.1. We always attach great importance to protecting the security of our users’ Personal Information, for which we have adopted industry-standard security technology, organization and management, among other measures of protection, to minimize the risk of disclosure, destruction, misuse, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure and alteration of your information.
4.1.1. Technical Measures for Data Security We will adopt security measures consistent with industry standards, including establishment of reasonable systems and security technologies to prevent unauthorized access to, use of, or modification to your Personal Information and to avoid damage or loss of data. We will take commercially reasonable physical, managerial and technical safeguards to maintain the integrity and security of your personal data. Shanghai Niaoyuhuaxiang Pet Co., Ltd. will provide a variety of security policies to effectively ensure the date security of users and devices. In terms of device access, we safeguard data security, access authentication, and application for authorization. In respect of data communication, we support communication using secure algorithms, transmission encryption protocols, and commercial-grade information encryption transmission based on dynamic keys. In case of data processing, we adopt strict data filtering and validation, and complete data auditing process. As regards data storage, all confidential information of users will be securely encrypted for storage. We will adopt encryption technology to encrypt and store the Personal Information of users, and isolate it by segregation technology. When Personal Information is used, such as Personal Information display and Personal Information association calculation, we will adopt various data desensitization technologies including content replacement and SHA256 to enhance the security of Personal Information during the process. We will adopt strict data access right control and multiple identity authentication technology to protect Personal Information and avoid illegal use of data. We will adopt automatic check on code security and analysis technique of data access log for auditing Personal Information security.
4.1.2. Other Security Measures We Adopt to Protect Personal Information We manage and regulate the storage and use of Personal Information by establishing a data classification and grading system, data security management specifications, and data security development specifications. We conduct a full-scale security control of data through information contacts confidentiality agreements as well as monitoring and auditing mechanisms. We establish a data security committee and under it a department specializing in information protection and a data security emergency response organization to promote and safeguard Personal Information. We will hold security and privacy training courses to enhance employees’ security awareness and knowledge of Personal Information protection policies and related regulations.
4.2. Please be aware that although we will endeavor to ensure the security of any information you send us, the internet environment is not 100% secure and we will not be held responsible for any risks or losses arising from or in connection with such fact.
4.3. After the unfortunate occurrence of a Personal Information security incident, we will inform you of matters below in a timely manner as required by laws and regulations: basic situation of the security incident, possible impact thereof, measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce the risk independently, and remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the procedures related to the incident by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. In the event that it is difficult to inform the subjects of Personal Information one by one, we will issue announcements by reasonable and effective ways. Meanwhile, we will also report the disposal of Personal Information security incident as required by regulatory authorities.
5. How You Manage Your Personal Information
5.1. We attach great importance to your management of the Personal Information and make every effort to protect your access to, correction, deletion, withdrawal of consent and other legal rights with respect to your Personal Information so that you have the full ability to maintain your privacy and the security of your Personal Information.
5.2. Access to and Correction of Your Personal Information
Except as provided by law or regulation, you have the right to access and correct your account information at any time
5.2.1. Please contact us at any time if you need to access or correct any other Personal Information generated in the course of using our products and services. We will respond to your request in the manner and within the time period set forth in the Privacy Policy.
5.3. Delete Your Personal Information
5.3.1. You may make a request to us to delete Personal Information in the manner set forth in the Policy under one or more of the following circumstances:
(1) If our processing of Personal Information violates laws and regulations.
(2) If you no longer use our products and services, or if you cancel your account.
(3) If we cease providing products and services, or if the retention period has expired.
(4) If you withdraw your consent.
(5) If the purposes for which we process Personal Information have been fulfilled, cannot be fulfilled, or are no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes of processing.
5.4. Change or Withdraw Your Consent
5.4.1. You may change the extent to which you authorize us to continue to collect Personal Information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off device functions, conducting privacy settings in the website or software of the Pet Marvel App. You may also withdraw your authorization for us to continue to collect Personal Information by canceling your account.
5.4.2. Please understand that the Pet Marvel App may require the collection of Personal Information necessary for its implementation. If you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the corresponding service for which you have withdrawn your consent, provided that it will not affect the Personal Information processing services previously carried out on the basis of your authorization.
5.5. Cancel Your Account
5.5.1. You may cancel your previously registered account at any time by:
(1) Online cancellation
(2) By contacting Customer Service
5.5.2. After you cancel your account, the content, information, data, and records, etc. under the account will be deleted or anonymized (except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or required by regulatory departments). At the same time, the account will not be restored once it is cancelled.
5.6. Response to Your Above-mentioned Request
5.6.1. If you are unable to exercise your rights in the manner described above, you may contact us using the contact details set forth in the Policy. When you make such a request, we may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request for purpose of protecting the security of your account.
5.6.2. In principle, we do not charge a fee for your reasonable requests, but we will charge a cost fee for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, as appropriate. We may reject requests that are repeated for no reason, require excessive technical means, pose a risk to the legal rights of others, or are very impractical.
5.6.3. Exceptions to Response
We will not be able to respond to your request under one or more of the following circumstances:
(1) Where it is connected with the fulfillment of our obligations under laws and regulations.
(2) Where it is directly connected with national security and national defense security.
(3) Where it is directly connected with public safety, public health, and material public interests.
(4) Where it is directly connected with criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and decision enforcement, among others.
(5) Where we have sufficient evidence that subjects of Personal Information have subjective malice or abuse of rights.
(6) Where it is necessary to protect the life, property, and other material legitimate rights and interests of the subject of Personal Information or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain their consent.
(7) Where response to the request of the subject of Personal Information will result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of itself, other individuals or organizations.
(8) Where commercial secrets are involved.
6. How We Process the Personal Information of Minors
6.1 We attach great importance to the protection of Personal Information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18 years, you shall obtain prior consent from your guardian before using our products and services. We will protect the Personal Information of minors in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations.
6.2. We will not actively collect Personal Information directly from minors. In the case of collecting Personal Information from minors with the consent of their guardians, we will only use, share, transfer, or disclose this information as permitted by law, with the consent of the guardian or as necessary to protect the minors.
6.3. If there is evidence that a minor has used our products and services without the consent of his/her guardian, we will consult with the guardian and attempt to delete the relevant Personal Information as soon as possible.
6.4. With regard to the minors under the age of 14 years, in addition to compliance with the agreement regarding Personal Information of users set forth herein, we will store, use, and disclose their Personal Information by adhering to the principles of “legitimacy, necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, security safeguards, and legal use” and strictly abiding by the Regulations on Online Protection of Children’s Personal Information. Besides, we will not exceed the term necessary to collect or use the children’s Personal Information which will be deleted or anonymized by us after the expiration date.
6.5. If you are the parent or other guardian of a minor under the age of 14 years, we may need to collect from you the Personal Information of the child in your custody for purposes necessary to perform relevant services to you. If we need to collect Personal Information from you in connection with a specific service, we will obtain your prior Authorization and inform you of the purpose and use of the collection. If you do not provide the afore-mentioned information, you will not be able to enjoy the relevant services we provide.
7. How the Privacy Policy is Updated
7.1. Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on 【please insert the platform name】. In terms of material changes, we will provide more prominent notice of the specific changes regarding to our Privacy Policy, such as making a special notification on the browse pages. We will not reduce your rights under the Privacy Policy without your express consent.
7.2. Material changes to the Privacy Policy include but are not limited to:
7.2.1. A material change in our service model.
7.2.2. A change in the primary recipients of the sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of Personal Information.
7.2.3. A Material change in your rights to participate in the processing of Personal Information and how they are exercised.
7.2.4. A change in our contact details and complaint channels.
7.2.5. When the impact assessment report on the security of Personal Information indicates high risks.
7.3. We will keep the old version of the Privacy Policy on file for your review.
8. How to Contact Us
8.1. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the Privacy Policy, please contact us by:
Tel: 021-58338601
Address: 9F, Block H, Xuhui Vanke Center, No. 55 Dingan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
8.2. Generally, we will reply within fifteen working days. If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if our Personal Information processing behavior has damaged your legitimate rights and interests, you can also file a complaint or report to the supervisory departments such as the departments of network information, telecommunication, public security, and industry and commerce, or seek a solution by filing a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction in the defendant’s domicile.
Annex I: Definitions
1. Personal Information
Personal Information refers to all kinds of information recorded in electronical or other forms that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information, including name, date of birth, ID card number, personal biometric information, address, communication contact information, communication records and contents, account password, property information, credit information, whereabouts, accommodation information, health and physical information, and transaction information, among others.
2. Sensitive Personal Information
Personal Information that is likely to lead to infringement upon human dignity or endangerment of safety of body and property of natural persons once leaked or illegally used, including biometric, religious beliefs, specific identity, medical health, financial accounts, whereabouts and other information, and the Personal Information of minors under the age of 14 years, for example, Sensitive Personal Information includes identity document numbers, personal biometric information, bank account numbers, communication contents, health physiological information, among others.
3. Authorization
It refers to acts that giving your express authorization for the specific processing of your Personal Information, including authorization by positive action (i.e., express consent) and authorization by negative inaction.
4. Anonymization
Anonymization refers to a process during which the subject of Personal Information cannot be identified or associated with through technical processing of Personal Information and the processed information cannot be recovered.
5. De-identification
De-identification means through processing, Personal Information cannot be identified as a specific natural person without the assistance of additional information.
6. Log Information
Log Information means the content you post and browse when you use our platform; your operation time, type, network original address, destination address and port when you post the specific content; date and time of access, and login IP information.
7. Device Information
Device Information includes device identifier (IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MAC, OAID, IMSI and other device-related information), application information (application crash information, notification switch status, application installation list, and other application-related information), device parameters and system information (device type, device model, operating system, and hardware-related information), device network environment information ( IP address, WiFi information, base station information, and other network-related information), subject to the actual collection of products.
8. Rough Positioning Information
Rough Positioning Information refers to the location information with country-province-city dimensions. To collect the above-mentioned information, we need to apply for the location authority that you authorize us to use devices. Our backend will collect and store the users’ rough positioning information to provide users with local after-sales services nearby.
9. Pet Marvel App
Pet Marvel App refers to Pet Marvel App website and its client programs, mobile application products, and mini programs.
10. Pet Marvel App Provider
Pet Marvel App Provider refers to Shanghai Niaoyuhuaxiang Pet Co., Ltd.
11. Children
Children refers to minors under the age of fourteen years.

Appendix II: Sharing List of the Third Party

1. Embedded SDK List
Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push
We use Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push SDK to send messages like device failure information to your mobile phone. Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push SDK may collect your phone identifier, IP address, and MAC address. Please read the Alibaba Cloud Legal Notice and Privacy Right Policy to learn more of the third-party privacy policy.
Type of collected Personal Information: cell phone identifier, IP address, and MAC address
Owner: Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:

Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform (Feiyan)
We use Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform (Feiyan) SDK to manage your smart devices. Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform (Feiyan) SDK may collect the IMEI unique identifier of your mobile phone, the SSID and network name of WLAN network. Please read the Alibaba Cloud Legal Notice and Privacy Right Policy to learn more of the third-party privacy policy.
Type of collected Personal Information: IMEI unique identifier of mobile device, and SSID and network name of WLAN network
Owner: Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd.
Privacy Right Policy Link:

Tencent Bugly
We use Tencent Bugly SDK application crash analysis log service to upload critical application runtime logs to Bugly server for analysis and repair when the application crashes abnormally, as to improve our services to be more stable. Tencent Bugly SDK may collect your mobile application runtime logs. Please read the Bugly SDK Privacy Protection Statement to learn more of the third-party privacy policy.
Type of collected Personal Information: application runtime logs
Owner: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co. Ltd.
Privacy Right Policy Link:

We use AWS SDK application to support image and video uploading which has obtained user authorization. Image uploading service is mainly used for profile picture replacement and problem feedback in the App. And video uploading service can be selected to give feedback of a problem since a video can detail the problem, so that we can category the problem more accurately and give you a better service. Please read the AWS Privacy Policy to learn more of the third-party privacy policy.
Type of collected Personal Information: Personal photos and videos
Owner: Amazon Web Services China
Privacy Policy Link: AWS Privacy Policy (

2. List of Affiliated Apps
APP name:
APP operator:
Shared information:
Usage scenario:
Sharing method:
Privacy link:

3. Third-party List of the Partner
Alibaba Cloud SMS Service
We use Alibaba Cloud SMS service to send short messages to your registered mobile phone number for identity verification, notification of important messages, and other functions. Please read the Alibaba Cloud Legal Notice and Privacy Right Policy to learn more of the third-party privacy policy.
Type of collected Personal Information: registered mobile phone number
Owner: Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:

Exhibit III:Children’s Personal Information Protection Rule
Updated on: 25 April, 2024
Effective on: 25 April, 2024

1. Special Note
Welcome to the Pet Marvel App! With deep knowledge of the importance of children’s Personal Information and privacy, we are committed to protecting the Personal Information and privacy of children users. We want to explain how we collect, use, store, and process children’s Personal Information, and describe our methods available to guardians and children to access, correct, delete, and protect such information through the Children’s Personal Information Protection Rule (hereinafter referred to as the “Rule”). Before using our products or services, children, their parents or other guardians (hereinafter referred to as the Guardian) must read carefully and understand thoroughly the Rule, especially those terms highlighted in bold which shall be read with great attentions. Please use our products or services with full knowledge and agreement of all terms herein.
Special Note for the Guardians:
We need to work together to protect children’s Personal Information. We want you to assist us in protecting your children’s Personal Information. Please ensure that your children’s usage of our products or services and submission of their Personal Information to us (if necessary) are conducted with your consent and under your guidance. You have agreed us to collect, use, and process your Personal Information and those of the children under your guardianship in accordance with the Privacy Policy and the Rule if you click “agree to use” or “continue to use” our products or services. If you disagree with any content of the Rule, please require your children to stop accessing or using our products or services immediately.
Special Note for Children:
If you are a child, please notify your guardian to read the Rule and use our products or services with your guardian’s consent. If your guardian disagrees with the Rule or objects you to use our products or services, please stop using our products or services.
This policy will help you understand:
(1) How we collect and use children’s Personal Information
(2) How we share, transfer, and disclose to the public children’s Personal Information
(3) Your and/or the children’s control over children’s Personal Information
(4) How we store and protect children’s Personal Information
(5) How to contact us
2. How We Collect and Use Children’s Personal Information
2.1. We will collect and use children’s Personal Information under the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purposes, security safeguards, and lawful use based on strict fulfillment of our obligations and responsibilities for children’s Personal Information protection as stipulated by law. We will neither collect children’s Personal Information unrelated to our products or services, nor collect or use children’s Personal Information in violation of the laws and the agreement between you and us.
2.2. Circumstances Under Which You Provide Information Voluntarily
2.2.1. When you voluntarily provide us with your children’s Personal Information when using our products or services, such as your children’s photos, videos or other information that you share through comments, in communities and by using information posting functions that we provide to you, it is deemed that you have agreed us to collect and process your children’s Personal Information in accordance with the Rule.
2.3. Children/Teen Mode
2.3.1. You can turn on the Teen Mode in our products or services. Under the Teen Mode, we only collect information necessary for the most basic functions, such as device information (including MAC address, unique device identifier, IP address for login, device model, device name, device identification, browser type and settings, language settings, operating system and application version, network information, product version number), and Internet operation records (including playing records, playtime, visit date and time, browsing records, and clicking records).We collect the information for ensuring your account security and anti-cheating effects, disclosing to you the daily use of our services and products by the children under your guardianship, and providing children with the content they need and services they are of greater interest, at the same time of improving our products and services. Under the Teen Mode, you can create a child-only account to manage your children. During the process of creating your child-only account, we may collect your children’s Personal Information that you may provide to us (including nickname, birthday, gender, and profile picture), for the purpose to complete the child-only account creation process and to provide quality content more appropriate to the children under your guardianship. We hereby sincerely advice that, if not necessary, please do not provide your children’s real name, likeness, contact details, and do not easily share your children’s Personal Information with others or post it publicly.
3. How we share, transfer, and disclose to the public children’s Personal Information
3.3.1. Sharing We do not share children’s Personal Information with any third parties, except for one or more of the following circumstances:
(1) The party with which we share is the Guardian.
(2) Your prior explicit Authorization has been obtained.
(3) We share necessary data with service providers who provide functional supports to our products or services for developing necessary and reasonable businesses smoothly, meeting your and the children’s requirements, fulfilling our obligations under the relevant user agreement or the Rule, and exercising our rights or complying with legal requirements, provided that, we undertake that we will only share children’s Personal Information to the essential extent, and in case that we need to change the purpose of processing children’s Personal Information, we will ask for your Authorization again. Please be assured that we will conduct security assessments on our service providers and their service practices, and execute agreement with them to clarify responsibilities, processing matters, duration of processing, nature and purpose of processing, among others, as to require their processing practices do not exceed the scope of our authorization. Please be assured that we will not share the Personal Information of the children under your guardianship with any third parties for marketing activities before obtaining your Authorization.
3.2. Transfer and Disclosure to the Public
3.2.1. We will transfer and disclose to the public children’s Personal Information under the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purposes, security safeguards and lawful use based on strict fulfillment of our obligations and responsibilities for children’s Personal Information protection as stipulated by law.
3.3. Pease refer to Chapter 4 of the main text of the Privacy Policy to learn more details.
4. Your and/or the Children’s Control over Children’s Personal Information
4.1. Access Right
4.1.1. You and/or the children under your guardianship may search and access to the children’s Personal Information in our products or services, such as profile information and video viewing history.
4.2 Modification right
4.2.1. You and/or the children under your guardianship may modify the children’s Personal Information in our products or services, such as profile information. You may contact us to solve the modification problem, and we will modify the Personal Information without compromising the objectivity and accuracy of the information after verification of your identity. However, for security and identification reasons, you may not be able to modify some initial registration information submitted during the registration.
4.2.2. Also, if you and/or the children under your guardianship discover there is something inaccurate in the children’s Personal Information that we have collected, stored, used, or disclosed, you may contact us for correction, and we will correct it promptly after completing identity verification and verifying such inaccuracy.
4.3. Deletion right
4.3.1. You and/or the children under your guardianship may directly require us to delete the children’s Personal Information in one or more of the following conditions, and we will delete the data promptly after completing identity verification and verifying these conditions.
(1) If we collect, store, use, transfer, or disclose children’s Personal Information in violation of laws and regulations or our agreement with you.
(2) If we collect, store, use, transfer, and disclose children’s Personal Information beyond the scope of the purpose or necessary term.
(3) If you have withdrawn your consent.
(4) If you and/or the children under your guardianship have terminated our products and/or services by such means as cancellation.
(5) If other circumstances under laws and regulations or other documents occur.
5. How We Store and Protect Children's Personal Information
5.1. We store children’s Personal Information in the People’s Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations. Unless as otherwise provided by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities, we will only retain children’s Personal Information within the minimum period necessary for the purpose of providing our products and services. After such storage period, we will delete or anonymize children’s Personal Information.
5.2. We protect children’s Personal Information by adopting multi-level protection measures, including industry-standard security technology measures and supporting organizational structure and management system; at the same time, we set strict access rights for our staff to control the knowledge scope of children’s Personal Information under the principle of minimum authorization; we also take the necessary technical measures to avoid illegal copying and downloading of children’s Personal Information.
5.3. Pease refer to Chapter 4 of the main text of the Privacy Policy to learn more details.
6. How to Contact Us
6.1. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Privacy Policy, please contact us by the following means.
Contact number: 021-68453391
Contact details: 9F, Block H, Xuhui Vanke Center, No. 55 Dingan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
6.2. In general, we will reply you within fifteen working days. If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if our Personal Information processing practices have infringed your legitimate rights and interests, you can also file a complaint or report to the supervisory departments such as Cyberspace Administration, Telecommunication Department, Public Security Bureau and Industry and Commerce Administration, or seek a solution by filing a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction in the defendant’s domicile.